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2013年9月由煙草產業遊說者英语tobacco lobbyists提供給荷蘭政治家卡爾梯卡·劉拓爾德英语Kartika Liotard的禮物
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  3. Lobby 中文

420 likes 183 talking about this. Ad maiorem omnium viventium gloriam! 預約Lobby Lounge - 台北萬豪酒店. 挑高9米9的絕美大廳酒吧Lobby Lounge位於台北萬酒店一樓,以藝術收藏妝點,雍容時髦。. 菜單導入萬豪國際品牌5-10-20概念 (5/10/20分鐘上菜),符合商務人士在忙碌行程中效率用餐的需求,亦以季節下午茶或不定期品牌聯名主題下午茶. Fortuna casinofortuna casino is located in the hotel lobby and basement served with baccarat table games, big - small table games and blackjack table games. You are welcome to play any of the exciting games round - the - clock.






  • 戰國策《說難》韓非
  • 《攻敵必救》 2009年美國電影,劇情描述遊說團體之間的競爭
Lobby 中文


  • Joos, Klemens: Lobbying in the new Europe. Successful representation of interests after the Treaty of Lisbon, 244 pages, ISBN 978-3-527-50597-5, Wiley VCH 2011
  • Geiger, Andreas: EU Lobbying handbook, A guide to modern participation in Brussels, 244 pages, ISBN 3-9811316-0-6, Helios Media GmbH, 2006
  • GLOSSARY - Alphabetical list of terms associated with the Lobbying industry
  • The Bulletin, 16 March 2006, p. 14, Lobbying Europe: facts and fiction
  • The European Lawyer, December 2005/January 2006, p. 9, The lobbyists have landed
  • Financial Times, 3 October 2005, p. 8, Brussels braces for a U.S. lobbying invasion
  • Public Affairs News, November 2004, p. 34, Judgement Call
  • The European Lawyer, December 2004/January 2005, p. 26, Lifting the lid on lobbying
  • Pier Luigi Petrillo, Democracies under Pressures. Lobbies and Parliaments in a comparative public law, Giuffrè 2011 (www.giuffre.it)
  • Pietro Semeraro, I delitti di millantato credito e traffico di influenza,ed. Giuffre, Milano,2000.
  • Pietro Semeraro, Trading in Influence and Lobbying in the Spanish Criminal Code, PDF
  • Wiszowaty, Marcin: Legal Regulation of Lobbying in New Members States of the European Union, Arbeitspapiere und Materialien - Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universitat Bremen, No. 74: Heiko Pleines (ed.): Participation of Civil Society in New Modes of Governance. The Case of the New Member States. Part 2: Questions of Accountability. February 2006 (PDF)
  • Heiko Kretschmer/ Hans-Jörg Schmedes: Enhancing Transparency in EU Lobbying? How the European Commission's Lack of Courage and Determination Impedes Substantial Progress, Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft 1/ 2010, S. 112-122
  • Lobbying. BBC News: Politics (London: BBC). 22 December 2005 [2007-01-30].
  • Police loans inquiry is widenened. BBC News: Politics (London: BBC). 30 March 2006 [2007-01-30].





  • Lobbying (Politics)在《大英百科全书》在线版的页面 (英文)


Lobby 中文



  • Lobbyists.info - The largest, comprehensive database of 22,000 registered lobbyists. Contains searchable profiles of lobbyists and government relations professionals, their clients and issues.
  • Top 25 Lobbying Groups. [2017-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2002-12-03). - Fortune listed the top 25 lobbying groups in 1999.
  • LobbyWatch - a project of the Center for Public Integrity with reports on lobbyists and lobbying efforts as well as a searchable database.
  • NoLobby.com - Capitalism Magazine mini-site. Opposes lobbying restrictions on free speech grounds.
  • The Citizen's Guide to the U.S. Government - an online tutorial containing information for individuals who wish to address issues with their elected officials.
  • Free Speech National Right to Life page containing documents opposing excessive regulation of 'lobbying' as infringement on 'right to petition' guaranteed by the First Amendment.
  • First Street Research Group powered by https://web.archive.org/web/20120115155817/http://firststreet.cqpress.com/ - reports and analysis on the lobbying industry


Lobby 中文

  • The Lobby Ticker - website of independent Austrian MEP Hans-Peter Martin with original lobbyist invitations and voting recommendations he received
  • euroXpress www.euroxpress.es
  • Alliance for Lobbying Transparency - UK based campaign
  • OECD: Special Session on Lobbying: Enhancing Transparency and Accountability 7–8 June 2007
  • AAT: 300077524
  • GND: 4036097-0
  • NARA: 10638994
  • NDL: 00569588


  • hsbc continues to lobby for a listing of its shares in shanghai.


  • they have offices in beijing, and they lobby the chinese government through uncharted back channels and are in what amounts to a continuous dialogue about what is and what is not acceptable.


  • the queue, which began forming hours before the doors officially opened, stretched across the lobby and onto the pavement in front of the downtown convention centre.


  • two american academics, john mearsheimer and stephen walt, made the claim in a book in 2007 that without the israel lobby george bush would not have invaded iraq.


  • that leaves the true finns well positioned to lobby for cabinet seats.


  • but long after that goal was met, the housing lobby barred almost all efforts to rein them in.


  • with passenger of the lobby reform, we draw back the curtains through out the windows and let the sunshine in.


  • i walked into the lobby of my apartment building recently and was greeted by this notice: 「to whoever is watering these plants, please stop.


  • the main business lobby group in brussels is opposed as well.


  • on any given afternoon, our lobby was bright with sunshine and filled with the music of a player piano—and at least two cats could be found rolling and playing there like happy kids.


  • instead, we seem to still rely on the creativity and competence of politicians to solve problems, which always somehow seem to be tied in with which lobby is the strongest in washington.


  • second, the signatories’ want their countries to lobby for europe to have a more responsible and active relationship with america.


  • for your safety, please follow me to the lobby by the emergency exit, please leave your luggage behind and don’t use the elevator, thank you for your cooperation.


  • 」you can lobby for better projects and ask for assignments that will showcase your skills and heighten your credibility, ' wendleton notes -- but don「t be surprised if you don」t get them.


  • we don't need to lobby in brussels, he says;we need to convince our own politicians.


  • some mbc employees are sleeping in the station’s lobby to prevent police from seizing their videotapes and notes.


  • why? because ethanol is domestic: it replaces oil, and the farm lobby is powerful.


  • the confederation of british industry, a business lobby group, estimates that £15 billion could be saved by treating chronic diseases at home.


  • it held the record for the highest lobby in the world until the shanghai park hyatt eclipsed it.


  • but at the end of last year, collectively they were only 44% of the way towards hitting the 2010 target according to one, a london-based lobby group.


  • compassion in world farming, a lobby group, fears that crowded-in heifers will be stressed and unhappy.
